Breaking in English
Cardinal Danneels Admits to Being Part of 'Mafia' Club Opposed to Benedict XVI
New authorised biography also reveals papal delegate at upcoming synod wrote letter to Belgium government supporting same-sex "marriage" legislation because it ended discrimination against LGBT groupsFurther serious concerns are being raised about Cardinal Godfried Danneels, one of the papal delegates chosen to attend the upcoming Ordinary Synod on the Family, after the archbishop emeritus of Brussels confessed this week to being part of a radical "mafia" [!] reformist group opposed to Benedict XVI.
It was also revealed this week that he once wrote a letter to the Belgium government favoring same-sex "marriage" legislation because it ended discrimination against LGBT groups.
The cardinal is already known for having once advised the king of Belgium to sign an abortion law [!] in 1990, for telling a victim of clerical sex abuse to keep quiet, and for refusing to forbid pornographic, “educational” materials being used in Belgian Catholic schools.
He also once said same-sex “marriage” was a “positive development,” [!] although he has sought to distinguish such a union from the Church’s understanding of marriage.
According to a forthcoming authorized biography on the cardinal co-written by Jürgen Mettepenningen, a former spokesman for Cardinal Danneels' successor, Archbishop Andre Joseph Leonard, and Karim Schelkens, a Church historian and theologian, the cardinal expressed satisfaction over the disappearance of “discrimination” against LGBT couples after legislation was passed approving same-sex "marriage" in 2003.
The authors of the biography, to be published Sept. 29, reveal that the cardinal wrote a letter on May 28, 2003, to then-Belgian Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt, who at that time was putting together his second government.
In the letter, the cardinal wrote favorably about "one of the last achievements of Verhofstadt’s first governments, the approval of a legal statute for a stable relationship between partners of the same sex." Verhofstadt’s government introduced same sex-‘marriage’ into Belgium in 2003.
"He wanted to stop discrimination between married heterosexuals and homosexuals who had a long-term relationship," write the two authors of the biography. "But there should be no confusion between the use of the term ‘marriage’."
Asked about the letter, Verhofstadt said he did not recall it, but added: “I never had any problem with the cardinal. Our relationship was good.”
Under Verhofstadt’s leadership, from 1999 to 2007, the Belgian government not only introduced same sex “marriage”, but also laws on euthanasia, experiments on human embryos, and IVF. [!]
Despite the poor record of the Belgian Church in resisting these laws, and the country being far smaller than many African countries that have one delegate representing them, Cardinal Danneels, 82, will be one of three Belgian prelates to attend the synod in October. [!]
The Vatican listed him second in importance out of 45 delegates personally chosen by Pope Francis [!] to participate in the upcoming meeting. He also took part in last year’s Extraordinary Synod as a papal delegate.
At the launch of the book in Brussels this week, the cardinal said he was part of a secret club of cardinals opposed to Pope Benedict XVI. [!][!][!][!][!]
He called it a "mafia" club [!][!][!] that bore the name of St. Gallen [!]. The group wanted a drastic reform of the Church, to make it "much more modern", and for Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio to head it. The group, which also comprised Cardinal Walter Kasper and the late Jesuit Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, has been documented in Austen Ivereigh's biography of Pope Francis, The Great Reformer.
Hier is duidelijk sprake van een samenzwering tégen Paus Benedictus XVI!
Bron: The National Catholic Register
Breaking in Italiano
Francesco: elezione preparata da anni
Men schijnt hier in België niet te beseffen, dat indien de 'Sankt Gallen Groep' de verkiezing van Bergoglio 'jarenlang' heeft voorbereid, dat dan de verkiezing van Bergoglio totaal ongeldig is!L’elezione di Jorge Bergoglio è stato il frutto delle riunioni segrete che cardinali e vescovi [De verkiezing van Bergoglio is de vrucht van geheime ontmoetingen...], organizzati da Carlo Maria Martini [!], hanno tenuto per anni a San Gallo, in Svizzera. E’ quanto sostengono Jürgen Mettepenningen et Karim Schelkens, autori di una biografia appena pubblicata del cardinale belga Godfried Danneels. Che chiama il gruppo di cardinali e vescovi un "Mafiaclub" [!][!][!].
Danneels [!] secondo gli autori, avrebbe lavorato per anni a preparare l’elezione di papa Francesco [!], avvenuta nel 2013. Egli stesso d’altronde, in un video registrato durante la presentazione del libro a Bruxelles ammette di aver fatto parte di un club segreto di cardinali che si opponevano Joseph Ratzinger [Over het verzet tegen Ratzinger!]. Ridendo, lo definisce “un club mafia e portava il nome di San Gallo” [!][!][!].
Il gruppo voleva una drastica riforma della Chiesa [!], molto più moderna e attuale, con Jorge Bergoglio Papa Francesco alla testa. Come poi è accaduto. Oltre a Danneels e Martini, del gruppo secondo il libro facevano parte il vescovo olandese Adriaan Van Luyn [!], i cardinali tedeschi Walter Kasper [!] e Karl Lehman [!], il cardinale italiano Achille Silvestrini e quello britannico Basil Hume [!], oltre ad altri.
Scrive il giornale belga “Le Vif”: “Il 13 marzo 2013 una vecchia conoscenza era al fianco del nuovo papa Francesco: Godfried Danneels. Ufficialmente, era là in quanto decano dei cardinali-preti, ma in realà ha operato per degli anni come creatore di re discreto”.
Danneels è stato invitato di nuovo da papa Francesco al Sinodo sulla Famiglia [!] che si svolgerà in ottobre a Roma. La sua figura è stata però molto criticata. Ha cercato di dissuadere una vittima di abusi sessuali dal denunciare l’autore, un vescovo (zio della vittima), e per questo motivo all’epoca del Conclave 2013 in Belgio c’era chi chiedeva che non fosse ammesso a eleggere il nuovo Papa.
Inoltre le sue posizioni sul matrimonio omosessuale e sull’aborto (secondo la rivelazione di due parlamentari avrebbescritto al re del Belgio esortandolo a firmare la legge che lo consentiva) non sembrano in sintonia con il Magistero della Chiesa [De meningen die Danneels verkondigt aangaande abortus, het zogenaamde 'homohuwelijk' etc. zijn niet in overeenstemming met het Magisterium van de Kerk. Dit betekent, dat Danneels niet katholiek is!]. E anche con quello che papa Francesco afferma.
Bron: La Stampa
Danneels ammette l'esistenza del 'mafiaclub' contro Benedetto XVI
"Danneels geeft het bestaan van een 'maffiaclub' tegen Benedictus XVI toe"
Questo cardinale che afferma queste cose gravissime è invitato al Sinodo. Credo che necessiti un chiarimento da parte della Santa Sede.
This Cardinal that says these very serious things and is invited to the synod. I think that the Holy See needs to put forward a clarification.
Deze kardinaal zegt zeer ernstige dingen en is uitgenodigd op de Synode. Ik denk dat de Heilige Stoel hier iets te verklaren heeft!
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