Swiss bishops confirm existence of Cardinal Danneels’ ‘mafia’ against Benedict XVI
September 29, 2015 (LifeSiteNews) -- While correcting local media reports, the Swiss bishops today confirmed the existence of the so-called “mafia” of bishops that aimed to counter the influence of Cardinal Ratzinger during the pontificate of John Paul II. [!][!][!]
The confirmation came amid intense discussion in Switzerland about the question of the now well-known group of cardinals, called the “St. Gallen Group,” about which Cardinal Godfried Danneels recently made some disturbing, even embarrassing revelations.
This morning, the local radio station FM1 Today in Sankt Gallen, Switerland, reported on the alleged secret meetings of this “St. Gallen Group” that supposedly worked both on making Pope Benedict XVI resign and on getting Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio then elected for the Papal office. As sources for their claims, the radio station cited a new biography about Bishop Danneels, as well as a candid public statement that the cardinal himself made. Summing up their claims about this seeming conspiracy, the radio station said:
Karim Schelkens, historian and co-author of the biography, said in an interview that the election of Bergoglio has been without doubt prepared in St. Gallen in the middle of the “mafia” and also that Ratzinger resigned because of it [this “mafia”]. [!][!][!]
For some reason, only a few hours later, that same radio station softened some of its claims. The second report, entitled “There were meetings, but no secret meetings,” now said: “It is wrong to put the St. Gallen circle of Cardinals in the connection with the resignation of Pope Benedict, since the meetings did not take place any more after the year 2006.”
The official website of the Swiss Bishops' Conference,, subsequently published today their own article about this matter, pointing out the fact that the Diocese of St. Gallen, whose bishop is the president of the Bishops' Conference, has now made a public statement refuting the claims of the radio station.
On the website of the Diocese of St. Gallen [!], a summarizing statement quotes the different radio reports and then refers to its own statement. This statement is mainly based on the witness of the former bishop of St. Gallen, Bishop Ivo Fürer. The statement says:
This group [St. Gallen Group] met on a regular basis in St. Gallen for the sake of a friendly exchange. The rest is speculation, as will become clear in the following sentences: […]
Bishop Ivo Fürer, the former bishop of St. Gallen, explains the situation as follows:
A private circle met on a regular basis from 1996 until 2006. It was now-deceased Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini and the then-bishop of St. Gallen, Ivo Fürer who initiated these meetings. Neither Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini nor Bishop Ivo Fürer were at the time members of the Council of the European Bishops' Conferences (CCEE), but the members of the circle of friends had first met in part through the CCEE. Some of the bishops and cardinals who were friends desired a continued exchange among each other. Of course they also spoke about the situation in the Church at their yearly gatherings in St. Gallen. They also spoke – when the health of Pope John Paul II was continuously declining – about the question as to which qualities a new pope should have.
During the election of Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI/2005/115 Cardinals), the cardinals who regularly met in St. Gallen had discussions during the pre-conclave. According to some reports, Cardinal Bergoglio already received a significant number of votes [at the conclave]. [!][!][!]
The election of Pope Francis in 2013 (115 Cardinals) corresponded to the goals of the group in St. Gallen – so it says in the biography of Cardinal Danneels. This is being confirmed by Bishop Ivo Fürer who never hid his joy about the election of the Argentine. [!][!][!]
But it is wrong to draw a connection between the group of St. Gallen with the resignation of Pope Benedict, since the meetings did not take place any more after 2006; the resignation of Pope Benedict took place in 2013.
The official report of the Diocese of St. Gallen, therefore, has admitted that such a “St. Gallen Group” existed [!][!][!]. Bishop Fürer also admits to his own approval of the election of Cardinal Bergoglio but insists that the meetings ceased in 2006. Ivo Fürer was Bishop of St. Gallen from 1995 until 2005. He was prominently involved, as its President from 1995-2009, with the Swiss Catholic Lenten Fund which has come under strong international criticism for its funding of LGBT activists, as well for its funding of the Swiss Institute for Pastoral Sociology whose president, Dr. Arnd Bünker, is himself an active promoter of the homosexual agenda.
Bron: LifeSiteNews
«Geheimgruppen» veranlassen Bistum St. Gallen zu Reaktion
«Geheime Papstwahl in St. Gallen» titelte das St. Galler Radio «FM1 Today» heute online und verwies auf Aussagen in einer eben erschienenen Biografie des belgischen Kardinals Godfried Danneels zum Rücktritt von Papst Benedikt im Jahr 2013. Kurz darauf musste das Portal zurückkrebsen und festhalten, dass es in St. Gallen zwar Treffen von Bischöfen und Kardinälen gegeben habe [!][!][!]. Diese seien aber nicht geheim gewesen und hätten bei der Wahl des gegenwärtigen Papstes gar nicht mehr stattgefunden.
Es sind starke Worte, die «FM1 Today» wählt: Verschwörungstheorie, Geheimgruppe, innerkirchliche Mafia. An den St. Galler Treffen habe eine «ominöse Gruppe» hochrangiger Kirchenvertreter den «Sturz» von Papst Benedikt geplant. Zwar nahm der Bericht auf eine Buchpräsentation in Brüssel Bezug, aber diese Meldung war den Verantwortlichen im Bistum St. Gallen doch zuviel. Wie Sabine Rüthemann, Kommunikationsbeauftragte des Bistums, in einer Mitteilung schreibt, habe es in den Jahren 1996 bis 2006 einen privaten Freundeskreis von kirchlichen Würdenträgern gegeben [!][!][!], die sich regelmässig in St. Gallen zum Austausch getroffen habe. Angeregt worden war die Gruppe durch den bereits verstorbenen italienischen Kardinal Carlo Maria Martini und Ivo Fürer, den damaligen Bischof von St. Gallen.
Austausch vor der Papstwahl
Dass bei den Treffen in St. Gallen über Päpste diskutiert wurde, bestätigt die Meldung aus dem Bistum St. Gallen. Doch habe man sich angesichts des schlechten Gesundheitszustands von Papst Johannes Paul II. über die Anforderungen an einen Nachfolger unterhalten. Die Kardinäle, welche zum St. Galler Freundeskreis gehörten, hätten sich bei der Papstwahl 2005 [!][!][!], nach dem Tod von Johannes Paul II. denn auch ausgetauscht und dem Vernehmen nach soll Jorge Bergoglio, der heutige Papst Franziskus, bereits damals «eine bedeutende Zahl von Stimmen» auf sich vereint haben, wie das Bistum schreibt. Gewählt wurde aber Joseph Ratzinger.
Die Wahl des Argentiniers Bergoglio im Jahr 2013 habe tatsächlich der Haltung der St. Galler Gruppe entsprochen [!][!][!], wie es in der Daneels-Biografie heisst. Dies bestätigt in der Meldung aus St. Gallen auch der zurückgetretene Bischof Ivo Fürer, der aus seiner Freude über die Wahl Papst Franziskus’ nie ein Geheimnis gemacht habe. Den St. Galler Freundeskreis aber mit dem Rücktritt von Papst Benedikt in Verbindung zu bringen sei falsch, schreibt das Bistum St. Gallen. Joseph Ratzinger habe seinen Rücktritt als Papst 2013 bekanntgegeben, der Freundeskreis tagte aber bereits seit 2006 nicht mehr. (ms)
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