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zondag 25 januari 2009

Monseigneur Michel Schooyans en de Earth Charter

Monseigneur Michel Schooyans (Eigenbrakel, 6 juli 1930) is een priester van het aartsbisdom Mechelen-Brussel en hoogleraar emeritus politieke filosofie aan de Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL). Hij is doctor in de wijsbegeerte en in de godgeleerdheid en een expert op het gebied van ethiek en bevolkingsvraagstukken.

"As can be seen from many recent documents from UN agencies like UNFPA, there is a trend for the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights to be supplanted by documents such as the Earth Charter. Man is considered to be the result of the evolution of matter, and he must agree to submit himself to the Great Whole. This, we are told, is the price to pay for "sustainable development". This view of Mother Earth denies man the central place in the world that was assigned to him in the 1948 Declaration. We must return to this anthropocentrism and this universalism, which was inspired by the Roman, Jewish, and Christian traditions and was brilliantly reaffirmed by the Renaissance, if we wish to save and protect human capital. The quintessential value is man and not the environment. Without men properly prepared to become responsible managers of Nature, Nature itself cannot but deteriorate and man cannot but vanish. This view of man and his relationship with nature necessitates a fully humanistic conception of development. This conception prompts us to revisit current educational, health, and food policies. It also prompts us to reconsider policies relating to women and families."

+ Monseigneur Michel Schooyans

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woensdag 14 januari 2009

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-------- “Wij zijn de zonen van de Kruisvaarders en we zullen niet terugdeinzen voor de zonen van Voltaire.” -------- -------- “We are the sons of the Crusaders and we shall not recoil before the sons of Voltaire.” ------------------------- -------- “Noi siamo i figli dei Crociati e non indietreggeremo davanti ai figli di Voltaire!” ---------------------------------